Yes, at times you might need climb up, drop down, crawl etc, but don’t worry it’s all very simple and safe you won’t need any harnesses. We also suggest you wear comfortable clothes for swifter movement.
Your team will be the only ones in there, but don’t worry a dedicated game master will be watching over you all the time and will guide/help you if you get stuck somewhere.
All you need is a good team, everything else will we provide. Also you are not allowed to carry anything inside the game rooms. We have lockers and request you to make use of them.
Your group can play as a single unit (either as the explorers or as the Magi) or as both teams pegged against each other. Also when playing as a single unit you may choose to go against another group.
Amid the Covid-19 outbreak, we are keeping our facilities closed. Will Update when we are functioning again. Till then take care of yourself and your family.